Solo or social?


Solo or social?

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No worries, the title is not meant seriously. The times where “running” was considered a no-go in applications are over. Back then joggers were denounced as unsocial: peculiar, self-centred, no team players. Maybe the grey persons behind the desks thought of mentally secluded egomaniacs who were blinkered while running. Today half marathon and marathon experiences are aces in the applicant’s sleeves. As they confirm: This person has the power of endurance.

Those who run ambitiously know that running is even more. Running can be an active team building: The mutually spillt sweat merges. How often do runners help themselves over difficult phases in a marathon. Cheer for each other, bolster them up. Take the hands of totally unkown fellow runners at the end of their powers and pull them over the finish line. And when you have already started in Cologne you know: The costumed guys on the course create a kind of ease for the others, distract them from the troubles of the course for some moments. You as a runner absorb the atmosphere of the spectators and become part of it.

Running becomes really social in a running group. The two guys of Die BERGISCHE whose vlog has already gone viral put it across: As a perfectly matched team (– no? Have a look – however in German only 🇩🇪 – and judge yourself 😀 ) they are instructed by professional trainers, spill sweat, learn a lot and take you with them over their ups and downs of their training. You will see. And this will be social!

A guided running course is recommended also for those who are not born show stars like the BERGISCHE bros. You will learn a lot about your body and its mechanisms – and train healthier on the basis of an individual training plan.

Courses with certified providers are refundable (consider the requisites). The BERGISCHE Krankenkasse refunds up to € 500 € within the range of the prevention budget!